Lasertherapy -
Innovative and in-depth
pain relief

Spectra-H lux
The best certified laser therapeutic medical device on the market
Spectra-H lux for the treatment of
joint pain

Pain in the hip
Pelvic pain
Sciatic pain

Spectra-H lux for the treatment of
pain in the foot

Heel spur
Achilles tendon
Pain in the ankle joint
Ankle sprain
Nail fungus

About Spectra-H lux

In recent times, it has been repeatedly shown that photomedicine is in the process of becoming a significant field of medicine. The reason for this is simple, because light and laser therapy has its complex foundations in scientific research. But that’s not all, because the easy-to-use laser therapy is ideal for everyday use – even at home.

Discover Spectra-H lux, a medical laser therapy device that combines innovative technology with side-effect-free and simple application.

The Spectra-H lux is a high-tech laser therapeutic device, which you can also use in your own four walls without any problems. The combination of pulsating infrared radiation in the low frequency range as well as static magnetic fields creates versatile therapeutic synergy effects – without any side effects. This is made possible by a biocompatible metal housing with the latest integrated technology. For the treatment of different pain conditions you can choose from 3 preset pulse frequencies (5 Hz, 50 Hz, 1000 – 2500 Hz). By changing these frequencies, the penetration depth of the laser therapy light changes.


For external use - local effect from outside.


Case protects against inappropriate use.


Completely painless with no side effects.


Radiation levels can set at the touch of a button.


There are no undesirable side effects.


Small lightweight device, which is easy to hold.

The Spectra-H lux laser therapy device combines laser, infrared, red light and magnetic fields. These 4 energy sources ensure that inflammations, wound healing disorders, degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the spine as well as bone fractures or migraines can be treated painlessly. The device can be used alone or in combination with other medical-therapeutic products. The best thing: by using Spectra-H lux, you can completely dispense with pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory medication.

Of course, we are aware that there are many cheaper copies on the German market that promise a miracle cure through laser therapy. However, we as EASTCON Group are authorized by our certification to sell a medical device that really delivers what it promises.

Low Level Laser Therapy -
the healing power of light

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT for short) belongs to the subfield of light therapy and is used to treat pain with the help of a focused laser. Due to its low power, the laser does not develop any thermal effect on the skin and is therefore completely free of side effects and painless.

Light has a great influence on our mood and health – even subconsciously. For this reason, it is quite natural that after gray rainy days we really long for sunlight, which relaxes us (also mentally). We have taken advantage of this fact and designed the Spectra-H lux, an innovative laser therapy device that effectively relieves local inflammation in cell tissue, stimulates cell renewal and improves blood circulation at the same time.

The procedure of low-level laser therapy

The „normal“ light emitted by a light bulb, for example, consists of a complex combination of light of different wavelengths and propagation directions. In contrast, a laser produces light with completely different properties. For example, the light from a laser is monochromatic, which means that it has only one specific wavelength or color. In addition, the light always oscillates in the same phase or synchronously. This circumstance is called coherence. Last but not least, the light is bundled by the low divergence and sent in a defined direction.

All these properties enable the special effects of low-level laser therapy, which has a stimulating effect and at the same time strengthens the self-healing powers. In addition, the coherent radiation activates the cell’s own energy potentials.

The over-the-counter medical laser therapy device aims to quickly relieve muscle and joint pain, arthritis complaints, muscle spasms and stiffness. Alternatively, the Spectra-H lux can also be used to relax muscle tissue and temporarily stimulate blood circulation. 


When pain and inflammation occur, deep-seated areas of the body are usually affected. Unlike superficial treatment methods, which often do not reach the cells or only after a delay, the laser therapy light of the Spectra-H lux penetrates deep into the tissue. At the same time, it reaches precisely those cell areas that are responsible for healing. This stimulates the body’s own regenerative forces and accelerates the healing processes throughout the body.

The light of the Spectra-H lux laser therapy device affects the entire musculoskeletal system and is already successfully used by doctors and therapists in many medical practices, hospitals as well as health resorts. All the mentioned applications are suitable for both human and veterinary medicine. The deep radiator irradiates skin, connective and muscle tissue as well as joints and acts directly on the treated area. Thus, pain can be successfully relieved and eliminated free of side effects. This treatment makes the laser therapy device a universally applicable helper for countless complaints.

Promotion Healing processes

Support of
healing processes

Relief Muscle pain

Relief from
muscle pain

Relief Stiffness

Relief from

Reduction swellings
Reduction of
Support muscle relaxation
Support for
muscle relaxation
Improvement blood circulation
Improvement of
blood circulation

The light transmits the visible to the eye, the eye transmits it to the whole man.

J. W. Goethe

International studies prove: Intense light has a fivefold effect!

Improvement of health

One of the main properties is the improvement of cellular respiration, which is particularly important for muscle regeneration and stimulation of collagen production in joints.

Wound healing & regeneration

During wound treatment, the wound bed is cleansed more quickly. In addition, the wound margin becomes more stable. The onset of granulation is also significantly earlier.

Improved immune defence

Studies by the University of Alabama show that not only does the body’s immune defence improve. At the same time, the unpleasant pain is also relieved.

Improvement of sleep problems

Light in range of 632 nm corresponds to the frequency spectrum of sunsetting. This has a positive effect on our nervous system. This improves sleep problems and alleviates depressive moods.

Anti-aging effect for skin and hair

Light stimulates the body’s collagen production. It also stimulates the repair mechanism of the cells and the circulation of small blood vessels, which has a positive effect on the complexion and structure of the skin and hair.

Influence on brain function

Besides improving depression and fears, infrared also influence executive functions to complete certain tasks more efficiently. In addition, the social behaviour is positively influenced.

About Us

Our aim is to make the benefits of therapy with light popular. Light therapy (also called low-level laser therapy) deals with the treatment of pain through natural light, which is a very good alternative to classical orthodox medicine.

It is important for us that you understand the benefits of light therapy and also make use of them, as it does not have any side effects. Light therapy is an effective, modern treatment to prevent various complications and to treat diseases in tissues.

With the Spectra-H lux device developed and manufactured in Germany, we are making our contribution to modern, patient-oriented and user-friendly medicine. Simply convince yourself!

We are certified!


Do you have a price enquiry? Or would you like a individual advice? Then write us a message. We look forward to hearing from you.

Gröblitzer Weg 1
09306 Rochlitz

Phone: +49 3737 781 9370


FAQ - Frequently asked questions

The Spectra-H lux works with impulses that penetrate deep into the tissue to be treated to stimulate blood and oxygen circulation in the cells and accelerate metabolism. In this way, the natural healing processes in the body are accelerated and pain is relieved at the same time.

The Spectra-H lux is particularly effective in treating inflammation by improving blood flow to inflamed tissue. The device can be used alone or in combination with other medical therapeutic devices. Best of all, by using Spectra-H lux, you can completely eliminate the need for pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory medications.

  • New ergonomic product design
  • Improved laser diode „Made in Germany“
  • Antimicrobial medical gray as symbolism of the medical product
  • Modern panel design synonymous with magnetic and light waves
  • Ecologically degradable recycled packaging

Using the Spectra-H lux is simple and straightforward. For proper use, please read the operating instructions supplied. If you have any further questions about the operation, we are of course at your disposal. Please use our contact form above.

The Spectra-H lux is particularly suitable for the treatment of acute or chronic pain, such as orthopedic problems (back, joint, hand, foot, knee and shoulder pain), wounds, sports injuries and also inflammations. The device can also be used to treat migraines and other headaches.

Yes, the Spectra-H lux can also be used to treat headaches – especially migraine, sinusitis and purulent tonsillitis. When using in the head area, make sure that you protect your eyes with the protective goggles included in the delivery.

Treatment with the Spectra-H lux – unlike pain pills – has no known side effects and is therefore absolutely safe to use.

Yes. The Spectra-H lux has the following certificate: EC Certificate – Full Quality Assurance System No 17 0187 QS/NB. Publisher Institute for testing and certification, inc. (ITC)

In contrast to other products on the market, the Spectra-H lux is a high quality device, which is manufactured in Germany and is almost error-free in operation. If, contrary to expectations, you should have any problems with your device, you are welcome to contact us via the contact form above.

The Spectra-H lux is a safe device, which is used for the treatment of various symptoms and pains. Nevertheless, the following groups of people should refrain from using it in certain areas:

  • no use in the uterine area in pregnant women
  • no use in the chest area by pacemaker wearers
  • no use in the tumor area for cancer patients
  • no use for people with a bacterial infection

The Spectra-H lux has already been described by many people as extremely effective. The success rate of the Spectra-H lux in relieving pain and treating inflammation is over 95%. Please read the above published studies on treatment with LLLT for detailed information.

Are you interested in purchasing the Spectra-H lux? Then please contact us via the contact form above. We will then get in touch with you immediately.



The Spectra-H lux is very small. My family and I can quickly and easily use the deep effect of the device when needed.
Silke Eichmann
This device is a life changer. I have been using it for a week for my neck and the pain has disappeared. Good choice.
Andreas Schuknecht
We use the laser for our horses after consultation with our physiotherapist. The tensions are gone and the animals are happy.
Daniela Naumann
I bought the Spectra-H lux because of my gonarthrosis in my knee joint. After using the device, my knees feel stable again.
Steffen Löbel
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